Good Swift Kick

I'm a mom to an almost-three-year-old hippie monkey boy - we live in Colorado. I'm an organic market gardener, and a giant permaculture geek. I'm also an artist, of sorts, and a yoga enthusiast. I despise waste and materialism, and have a worm bin in my kitchen.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

So. Today I'm in a store with Dusty. I'm waiting in line to pay for purchases, and numerous items are dangling precariously from my right arm. I'm trying to hold Dusty's hand with my left hand, and he decides he wants to cling to both of my hands so he can swing like a monkey.

"Dusty, could you please quit that? I don't want to drop all this stuff - I only have one hand."

At that very second, I happened to turn around and noticed that the woman in line behind had - yes - only one hand.



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