Good Swift Kick

I'm a mom to an almost-three-year-old hippie monkey boy - we live in Colorado. I'm an organic market gardener, and a giant permaculture geek. I'm also an artist, of sorts, and a yoga enthusiast. I despise waste and materialism, and have a worm bin in my kitchen.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

front of Janet's doll

front of Janet's doll, originally uploaded by smartcakes.

Here's one of the things that keeps me busy these days. This is a fully beaded doll - yes, each seed bead is stitched on individually by hand.

I made this for my therapist (who just happens to rock). She takes it everywhere with her - in fact, the doll will be accompanying her to Finland and then France next week.

One of the best things about this doll is that she feels so good to hold in your hands - the beads give her a wonderfully squishy texture.

She reminds me a bit of a jellyfish.

(psst - can you tell I just figured out how to post photos to a blog from Flickr?)


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