Good Swift Kick

I'm a mom to an almost-three-year-old hippie monkey boy - we live in Colorado. I'm an organic market gardener, and a giant permaculture geek. I'm also an artist, of sorts, and a yoga enthusiast. I despise waste and materialism, and have a worm bin in my kitchen.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

I just checked the weather forecast for today, and it is supposed to get to 97 degrees. Gah.

I transplanted some more hot peppers today into their new bed - jalapenos, bulgarian carrot, anaheims, serranos, and a few banana and cherry peppers as well.

My Friday morning yoga class has been cancelled, due to the fact that I was the only one who had actually signed up, though others were attending on a drop-in basis. Shawna, my yoga teacher, suggested that instead of refunding my money, I could try the two-hour Wednesday night advanced class.

So, I did!

Sure, it kicked my ass a whole lot, but I did okay. I completed all the sequences, held poses, and I didn't even die. I did lose about half my body weight in sweat, though. And my glasses fell off twice - being soaked in sweat (I know - ew) while upside down tends to make things slide off one's face.

The biggest news? I did a HANDSTAND.



It was up against the wall, but still.

Accomplishing that felt really and truly amazing. I was one of those porky little kids who couldn't do anything physical - I was slow and awkward and uncoordinated. I have never in my life done so much as a cartwheel, though I did try.

And now I'm doing handstands and shoulderstands in an advanced yoga class? I certainly never would have predicted THAT.


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